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Stocking stuffers are a great way to surprise your kids with the unexpected. It’s your chance to provide them with something small, fun, and in some cases useful items to try.

Stuffers are, for the most part, designed to give a little something extra. They can be used to supply small clothing items like socks or gloves. They can be a bunch of learning items. Or they can be an assortment of toys.

Some can even be nothing but candy and treats. There’s no wrong or right way to stuff your stockings for your children. It is all up to you.

The thing I remember about my stocking as a child was that it was never the same every year. And each year became more mature in items until I grew out of having one. Yet the ideas that my mom had when creating these stockings were endless.

25 Stocking stuffer ideas

In this day and age, sometimes old classics can make for great stocking stuffers. So, let’s take a trip down memory lane with these stocking stuffer ideas to help you along.

1. Rubik’s cube

rubik cube

If your child is great with puzzles then this stocking stuffer item is right for them. The object of the cube is to match all the sides. The challenge is in the turns that you make with this cube. A thinking toy with a challenge. One of my favorite stocking stuffers.

2. Mini Jenga

mini jenga

I love the bigger version of this game and I’m sure your child will love the mini one. Built for on the go, this strategy game will have them trying to figure out their next move for hours. The object of the game is to take turns moving 1 block from the bottom of the tower and placing it on top, making sure not to knock it over. Great game and great stocking stuffers for the competitive child.

3. Mini Play-doh set

play doh mini

A smaller version of an absolute classic. A great stuffer item for the child who loves to work with their hands. These small containers come in a variety of colors to allow your child to create their imagination into clay form. Hours of fun with less of a mess.

4. Journal or Diary


Technology is great. But sometimes you want the feel of the pages under your hands. And a small journal or diary is the perfect stuffer item for the child who loves to write. Have a little writer or blogger on your hands, then this is a must-have for them in their stocking.

5. Street chalk

street chalk

For the artist in the family, street chalk is the right stuffer idea. Great for driveways, parks, and backyards. Your little artist can use the outside as their own special canvas without making any permanent markings.

6. Card games

uno cards

There’s nothing like a good card game. Card games make for great social gatherings. My favorite was always Uno and I was excited when I got my 1st deck in my stocking. The best part about card games is that you can always take them on the go.

7. Bubbles


You can never go wrong with a small bottle of bubbles. Fun for children of all ages, and adults too, this is ideal for those summer days outside for your child. Can you blow the largest bubble?

8. Jump ropes

jump rope

I know what you’re thinking. This is very old school and no way is my child going to play with this. However, a jump rope is not only fun and a great group activity but it’s also good exercise. I remember my jump rope also served as many other fun items like a safety ring on the floor to survive the “lava”. Good stocking stuffers for the athletic child.

9. Hats, Scarfs and Gloves

For the older child in your house, sometimes the perfect color and design can be a great stuffer pleaser. A colorful beanie or a think decorative scarf can make for that 1 accessory they may need to set off that 1 outfit.

10. Mini paint set and color pencils

paint set

Another great stocking stuffer for the advanced artist in the household. These items will help the child that’s looking to improve on their art skills.

11. Mini Lego sets, kits & figures

legos minis

Legos have been around for ages. Today they have so many different sets for your children to test their building skills. From Star Wars to action figures, if your child is a builder then they’ll want this stocking stuffer.

12. Snake Cubes puzzles and Mini snake cubes

snake cubes

As a child, I used to love these because you could create so many different things. Snake cubes are a shape-shifting toy. Once your child releases it from its original form, the creation of things is endless. This is good for those creative minds in the house.

13. Handheld water games

handheld water

Another blast from the past. They come in a few different types, but most center around some type of ring or ball toss game. Handheld water games are built to simulate the mind and fun at the same time.

14. Pocket Etch A Sketch

etch a sketch

I was never good at these things. But that doesn’t mean I didn’t have loads of fun trying. This pocket-size perfect for those pit stops on road trips or during school lunch breaks. Let your child’s mind be creative with this classic of a stocking stuffer.

15. Ty Beanie Babies Mini

beanie babies

Who doesn’t love stuffed animals? A classic stuffed toy, beanie babies have been around for years. They’re cute, fuzzy, and great for the child who would fall in love with them.

16. Click Clacks or Clackers

click clacks

Don’t ever let anyone tell you that 2 balls on a string are not a fun time. You use them by flipping your hand up and down to get the balls to clack in a circle. While the original clackers are for the older child, there is a plastic version for younger children to get their clicks on.

17. Mini Magic set

For the child who is fascinated by illusions, this is an excellent stocking stuffer. Kickstart their magician interest with beginner props and tricks.

18. Super bouncy ball

bouncy balls

Loads of fun outside, superballs are high intense bouncing balls that’ll have your child playing for hours. A very basic, classic toy, this stocking stuffer is good for the child who finds themselves easily bored.

19. Glow in the dark stars

glow stars

A nice simple decoration to spice up your child’s bedroom or playroom. These stars are built to stick to the walls and ceilings. It’s great for those nights where they need just a little extra to fall asleep to.

20. Slinky

Source: pixabay

Another great classic, slinky is actually fun to play with. Whether down the stairs or off a box, there’s just something about watching it move. It comes in random colors or the original, silver metal. I believe every child should have one.

21. Mini Sketch Kit

Yet another stocking stuffer for the drawer at heart.  It’s a great stocking stuffer because they can draw up a sketch anywhere. Equipped with a mini pad, pencils, and more, they’ll never have to look for a piece of paper.

22. Hot Wheels cars

hot wheels

Do I have to say anymore? Hot Wheels has been around for years and going strong. If your little one is into crashing cars, sailing cars off of bookshelves, and more, then these are such a great stocking stuffer. And with the years of existence under their belt, the design library is endless to choose from.

23. Harmonica


A musical child in the home could never be without their harmonica. If you’re not quite ready for a loud drum set then this is the next best thing. Great for the musical stocking stuffers.

24. Candy and other treats

choco candy

Sometimes nothing says a bonus gift like candy. Add your child’s favorite candy or treat to their stocking as an extra surprise. You could also use it to hide the other items for a bigger surprise. While it’s not ideal to give your child sweets, Christmas is the perfect time to indulge just a little.

25. Gift Card

gift card

While it’s not necessarily an old school item, a gift card works well for older children. Something to their favorite store or a destination spot is a great stocking stuffer. And if you’re up for it, it can turn into an activity or shopping venture that you both can do together.


Stocking stuffers are great for kids and as an added bonus on Christmas day. Although we no longer live in the times of the past, it never hurts to introduce your child to some of the things you had growing up.

Do you see anything from your childhood on the list? What’s one toy you wish to bring back from your childhood? Feel free to share in the comments below. And don’t forget to pin, like, and share this post for others to enjoy as well.

Until next time, this is Tammy saying keep strong, keep positive. And NOTHING’s impossible!!! Happy Holidays Everyone!!!

All pictures are sourced by pixabay.com and pexels.com

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