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In this country, a lot of pressure is put on our weight. Those who are in the right body frame tend to be those who are popularized. While many who are obese or overweight are frowned upon and treated as less of a human. We become the subject of many jokes by those who have either never experienced extra pounds a day in their life or those who have lost the weight and wish to never return back to that form of a body.

​According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, more than 70% of Americans are overweight or obese in 2018. And part of the excessive weight gain is linked to poor mental health and a list of lead causing deaths here in America. Studies show that overweight and obese people are at a higher risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, some forms of cancer, even a stroke. We have become a society of extra pounds, fed by the abundant supply of processed foods.  

Now granted, we are seeing more people in the gyms, fitness classes, and in parks where there’s gym equipment available for the public in New York City where I live. But that is just a small percentage of the country. And while many of us would love to experience that of a healthier lifestyle, there should be more of an effort put on making healthier choices by most than “fat-shaming” someone into losing weight for all the wrong reasons. There is a method to the madness and the proper approach is always the right one. A positive front is a lot better than a bullying approach.

For many years, I’ve struggled with my weight. As a kid, I was a toothpick and my mom was a little worried because she thought I didn’t have enough “meat” on me. But by age 12, that all changed thanks to puberty, insecurities and school. And from there, I was on this rollercoaster of fluctuation of pounds. Eating was never my friend nor my escape like it is for most because after every meal, snack or binge, I felt bad about myself, as though I was even more less than those around me who were a lot skinnier. Food was just something that was there. And exercise was NEVER my thing. Sweating and me just don’t hang.

In the beginning of my overweight days, I honestly didn’t care about being in shape or healthy. I knew the type of person that society had pegged me from my childhood days (there’s also other contributing factors behind this). So in my mind, there was no need for making healthier choices. Eat what you enjoyed. Eat what you wanted. You are what you are. But after years of looking in the mirror and not liking what I saw, I was given a nutritionist (the best 1 ever) after a few weeks of starting therapy for my depression. And she showed me that my health was more important than anything. She showed me that I didn’t have to give up all my favorites at once. But rather, portion them out and gradually substitute healthier choices over the non-healthy as I progressed.

At the beginning that worked and I saw myself down from 295lbs to 254lbs. I was no longer craving the sweets and sodas that I had grown accustomed to. And along with it, my confidence began to change. It’s true what they say. The better you feel about yourself, the stronger your confidence begins to grow. That was 8 years ago. I still struggle with my weight till this day. However, the difference between then and now is that I know the steps and tools I need.

So here it is 2020 and I’m buckling down for the final time when it comes to getting my health in order. I say finally time because this time I’m going to make it to my goal weight of 200 lbs. It’s time I take responsibility for my poor choices over the many, many years of carrying all this weight (to date I’m 284 lbs).

Health is an important factor in life and it is a strong part of maintaining your mental health on a positive platform. Obesity is not a death sentence nor should it be frowned upon because we all experience struggles in our lives. With the proper education, support, and training, it is possible for anyone to get down to a healthier lifestyle that best fits you. But you have to want it for you. Take an assessment of your life, understand the consequences of the actions you take with your health, and make the right decision to maintain a better life for you. I’m here to take this journey to a healthier me. Are you ready?

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Until next time, this is Tammy saying keep strong, keep positive and nothing’s impossible!!!

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  1. wow, i support you in anything you want to achieve! and sharing all of your personal aspects helps me to know more about what you’ve gone through and how important this is to you.
    if there’s anything i can help you with, i’m here!

  2. Hi, Tam it’s Michelle D. This was such a great read I thoroughly enjoyed well said sweetie. Thank you, for sharing yourself and journey with us all.🥰🙏🏽

  3. What a great read. Remember, if it was easy it wouldn’t be worthwhile.
    Growing up I was always called the “fatter” twin. That’s how most people told Nick and I apart. Until puberty hit for me and I turned that fat into muscle. Never ever give up to where you want to go! Absolutely no one is going to push you there BUT yourself! So stay focused and whenever you feel like quitting just remember how far you’ve come.

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