Do you know what emotional self-care is and if so, do you practice it? Self-care is such a huge topic these days. And everyone seems to be on board. Even celebrities and influencers have joined in, providing their own products for self-care.

Yet, there’s more to it than the products you use for your self-care routine. Have you ever found yourself ready to explode from the inside out because of countless built-up emotions? How about hiding your feelings out of fear of looking weak?

Or maybe you’ve been hurt by a bad breakup and refuse to feel those types of emotions ever again? We’ve all been there and probably thought “who wants to go through that again.”

However, deep down, you know that holding on to feelings can affect your mental well-being. They start to build up and one day erupt like a volcano at the wrong time and on the wrong person.

Somehow, we grasped the idea that expressing ourselves around others is a big “NO, NO.” Whether it’s being sad and crying or happy and crying, we shy away from showing it.

I don’t know if it’s because of fear or because you don’t want to be seen as an easy target. But more people these days rather be stoned face. And the thought of facing one’s feelings and emotions can spark more denial when it comes to understanding and learning to cope with them better.

What is emotional self-care

Emotional self-care is identifying and understanding your feelings and emotions while allowing yourself to experience them in a beneficial way.

Why is emotional self-care important

Because of the way society portrays emotions, so many have the feeling that expressing them is wrong. You may have heard others say things like “I don’t like to show emotions” or “You’re crying again? Oh, you’re so sensitive.”

“I remember always being told that I was too sensitive because I cried a lot in moments of conflict. When dealing with rejection, arguments, or negative feedback, I’d cry because I couldn’t handle the feeling of being less than in that moment.”

So instead of learning to cope with how to understand and handle those situations, I’d keep it inside until I couldn’t anymore. And release it in an unhealthy way leaving me feeling that I was wrong for expressing myself in that way.

A reason we don’t handle some of our feelings in front of others is that it can be seen as a sense of weakness. Even when you may show a feeling of excitement about something new in your life, you may receive backlash from others just because you lived in the moment.

Sound familiar?

What you may not realize is that expressing and understanding your feelings; however, they may be, serves as a healthy release for your mind and body. By nurturing your feelings as they come, you can decrease the levels of stress, and be able to cope with difficult situations.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska

This is where emotional self-care becomes essential because the practices that you introduce into your daily routines help you understand those feelings better.

See when you focus on emotional self-care it means that you’re willing to be mindful of your emotions. You’re acknowledging that this is how you’re feeling and it’s okay to feel this way. So how can I cope with this feeling better for the next time something occurs?

And you’re also making it a normal thing for you to experience.

5 practices of emotional self-care that you can perform

There are practices and activities out there that can help you break the stigma of ignoring your feelings. Routines can be created to help you have a healthier relationship with how you feel in different situations.

Rather than ignore, cut off or stuff your feelings down, focus that energy on some practices that can help empower you to be okay with expressing yourself emotionally.

practicing self-care
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko

1. Practice self-gratitude

It’s always easy to beat yourself up but never easy to give yourself a compliment. Practicing self-gratitude daily helps you appreciate who you are. It can also help you dig through the negative feelings you feel about yourself. Self-gratitude helps you build confidence and self-esteem which helps you have a stronger relationship with expressing yourself.

2. Set time for quiet time

Life can get hectic in so many ways and it may seem that there’s no time to take for yourself. Quiet time is great to have because it allows you to sit and relax your mind. You may use that time to listen to soft music, journal, read, or simply take in the moment with just your company of you. Some even use their time to have a good cry.

3. Journal your emotions and feelings

Journaling is a good practice when it comes to emotional self-care. And it works especially well for those who struggle with dealing with their emotions. Journaling is great because it gives you a space to unleash your current emotions and feelings.

You can also break your journaling up into two separate books, one for your current emotion and the other for how you coped with that emotion. It makes for a good way to look back and learn from that situation.

4. Allow yourself to feel your emotions and feelings

express emotion
Photo by Liza Summer

If you’re bottling your emotions and feelings up, then it could only lead to frustration. It’s natural to feel the emotions that you feel. Allow yourself to go through those moments and understand them on a deeper level. When you allow yourself to cry or feel joy, it’s giving your body and mind the necessary release it needs to recover from that situation.

5. Open up to others about how you’re feeling

With good connections comes an outlet for you. When you’re going through a situation, the first thing you want to do is talk about how you’re feeling with someone you know. Don’t shy away from opening up to others because the right person can give you the support needed to nurture those feelings you’re having.

There are so many activities as well for your emotional self-care.

  • Read or write a book
  • Try a new calming hobby
  • Watch a good movie
  • Take up meditation
  • Spend time with your pet or visit an animal shelter
  • Take a long nature walk
  • Plan an outdoor or indoor picnic


Emotional self-care is essential to your well-being. Don’t look at your feelings as a weakness or a disadvantage. Allow yourself to be okay with being in the moment, understanding it, and coping with what comes after the feeling has passed.

Remember, you’re human and it comes with the package.

Let me know what some of your emotional self-care practices are. Share your responses in the comments below.

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Until next time, this is Tammy saying keep strong, keep positive. And NOTHING’s Impossible!!!

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