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Do you struggle to motivate yourself in the mornings? One of the biggest struggles when waking up in the morning is motivating yourself to get out of bed. Maybe you’ve gotten out of bed but struggle to push yourself to get dressed.

When stress piles up, finding the energy to deal with it is something that many try to muster up. And there could be a list of things that stand in the way. From a disgruntled neighbor to a stressful job, you don’t have the energy to motivate yourself.

But is it impossible to do as much as we may think it is?

Why it can be difficult for most to motivate yourself

struggle motivate yourself
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

There are so many factors in life that make it challenging to look forward to the morning. Life these days are more stressful than before. Although there’s an uptick in entrepreneurship, many people still find themselves working jobs they dislike. And that takes a heavy toll on their mental health.

So being motivated in the morning can seem like a dream. You may wake up groggy, wanting to stay in bed and already thinking about the end of the day. And you may think, what’s the point of being motivated for a job you hate.

On the other hand, many others are stay-at-home parents or work from home. The daily task of keeping a household up and running can prove to be draining, and you may find yourself putting chores off to the next day or getting four hours of sleep with little energy the following morning.

Mornings are often seen as doom and gloom for most, no matter the scenario. Instead of greeting the day, you may continue the previous day’s stresses. And this can be an ongoing cycle.

Motivating yourself in the morning sets the tone for your day. While it may not last the entire day, it can take off some of the stress that you have built up.

Ten ways to motivate yourself to be active in the mornings

If you’re looking to change your mornings, then there are ways to get that motivation you need. Your day doesn’t have to be an endless cycle of waking up, going to work, sleeping, and repeating. Many people have morning routines centered around themselves to find the motivation for the day.

Here are ten refreshing ways to motivate yourself every day in the morning

Create a to-do list

Something that works well with motivation is having a plan. Having a to-do list can often make you feel excited because you have something to look forward to. Your to-do list is a list of small goals that are both doable and can be completed in a specific timeframe.

You may start by having a to-do list for just morning activities such as making your bed or a morning facial routine. Having something that can make you feel accomplished after completing it can motivate you to want to do more. So that you don’t feel overwhelmed in the morning, take some time before bedtime to make a list of tasks to complete.

Morning pep talks and affirmations

I am a huge fan of morning pep talks and affirmations. While many think that it’s pointless, spending time in front of a mirror encouraging yourself can give you ample motivation. You can do this at any point in your morning.

Whether it’s while you brush your teeth or have a protein shake at the table, use the time to speak positive words to yourself. Start with three small affirmations. One I like to use a lot is “I am capable of doing anything.” Use your inner self to help be your biggest motivator in the morning.

Make your bed

bed motivate
Photo by cottonbro

It may seem like nothing, but making your bed can be motivating. Sometimes seeing a nice, neat made-up bed can feel like an accomplishment. Why? Getting out of bed and making it serves as your first task of the day.

It shows you that you’re ready to start the day and get things done, and it also shows that you’re prepared to look forward and not back. So, take a step back once it’s done and take in the moment of a freshly made bed.

Have an enjoyable breakfast

Most people tend to skip over breakfast for whatever reason. You may not feel hungry as soon as you wake up, and that’s fine. But the proper breakfast can boost your energy and motivate you for the day. And there are many recipes out there to try.

Try peanut butter and fruit topping on a waffle or a bagel sandwich with avocados, spinach, tomato, and eggs. Both sound delicious, and the protein you’ll get from such combinations will boost you in the morning.

Take a 15-minute walk

You may be thinking, “I have to get ready for work, and I don’t have time for anything else.” As we know, hitting that snooze button gives us a little time to lay in bed. Instead of hitting that button, try taking a walk.

A pleasant 15-minute walk can clear your mind and boost your energy. Take a stroll outside your house or apartment on a nice day. And if it’s raining, keep your walk on the inside, and it will give you the chance to wake up fully and be refreshed for the day. Also, if you’re worried about timing, set your alarm a little earlier just for your walk.

Sip a warm cup of tea

We tend to wake up stressed, especially if we know what’s ahead the next day. You may have gone to bed late or woken up before time. And your day has already started on the wrong foot.

Instead of grabbing a cup of coffee, try grabbing a warm cup of tea. Coffee adds the caffeine rush you may need to push through the morning, but a cup of tea can be relaxing. And a calming mind is a focused mind.

Meditate or listen to calming music for 10 minutes

When you have quiet time in the morning, it may motivate you to get started with the rest of your day. Try taking 10-minutes in the morning to do some meditation or listen to some lo-fi music. If you’re tech-savvy, there are some good apps such as Calm, Headspace, and The Mindfulness.

These apps help beginners and experts on different techniques for meditating. And if you’re not all that tech-savvy, then there are hundreds of videos on YouTube, such as 10-Minute Meditation For Beginners. Having some quiet time in the morning to do these things will help you relieve the stress you woke up with.

Do stretches or exercise to motivate yourself

stretch motivate

Exercise may not be your favorite thing if you’re like me. Still, you don’t have to be an exercise nut to partake in a morning routine. Simple forms of exercise such as squats, wall push-ups, or lunges can boost your endorphins in the morning.

Even body stretches such as upper back, spinal twist, and more can boost your energy levels. Endorphins in the morning are great because they are the body’s natural mood booster. Try taking 10-minutes in the morning to do a simple exercise routine to kickstart your day.

Listen to some upbeat music to motivate yourself

There’s nothing like turning on your radio and listening to music that can make you dance. It may not be ideal to jump out of bed to a party but try having your radio on while doing your morning routine. A little upbeat music can improve your mood and motivate you for the day.

Have it playing in the background while you get your morning to-do list done. And if you find yourself stopping to dance a little, then embrace it. That solo dance party could also serve as your 10-minute exercise as well.

Get dressed or doll yourself up

Sure, we get dressed every day, but when I say “get dressed,” I mean really dress up. Whatever dressed up means to you, put on your best. Whether it’s your finest summer dress or your best suit, dressing your best can motivate you to do more.

Maybe you want to put on makeup, do your hair in a special hairstyle, or pamper yourself with a morning facial. Seeing yourself looking your best helps you feel your best and motivates you for the day ahead. And on top of that, it improves your mood for the day.


Mornings can be rough, and we often rather stay in bed than face the day. Building a morning routine will help you have something to look forward to. And don’t be afraid to mix it up just to keep it fresh.

Are you motivated in the morning? What stops you from getting up in the mornings? Share your experiences in the comments below.

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Until next time, this is Tammy saying keep strong, keep positive. And NOTHING’s Impossible!!!


  1. Finding the energy to deal with stress is something that many people strive to do when it builds up. And there might be a long list of obstacles on the road. You don’t have the energy to inspire yourself, whether it’s because of a grumpy neighbor or demanding work.

  2. These are great tips! Two things I do on this list is affirmations and have an enjoyable breakfast. Affirmations I started doing this year but if there is anything about me that will never change, it’s that I’m always going to make time to eat breakfast lol it’s my favorite meal of the day. Thank you so much for sharing!

    1. Thank you Angie and thank you for sharing a little bit about yourself. I just started doing affirmations late last year. They can be so helpful. And they do say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I need to start eating it more.

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