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Do you use positive affirmations throughout the day? While many may frown upon it, the use of positive affirmations can help boost your mental health.

If you struggle with their depression, you know that negative words can surround your day. You may spend your days filled with self-doubt, fear, and a list of other negative thoughts. And with a sea of negativity around you, it may not be easy to see how positive reinforcements can help.

Many may say that words don’t hurt or have an impact. But that’s quite the opposite. The same words said to you daily can seriously affect you mentally. So, if negative words can break you down, then whose to say positive words can’t build you up.

The energy you may be putting into self-doubt can transform into something you may benefit from in the end. If we look at most successful people, they use different forms of positive reinforcements to boost themselves up. And one form is incorporating affirmations into their world.

How can positive affirmations affect you?

positive words
Photo by Thought Catalog

We’ve seen what effect negative statements have on our mental health. And this is never more evident than in those who struggle with depression. As we know, depression is the silent killer that can feed someone self-doubt and fear.

It’s centered around breaking down your self-esteem and confidence, keeping you isolated. So as someone who’s not used to it, hearing positive statements about themselves can be discouraging at first. All of this is why positive reinforcements are so significant.

Positive words can have a significant impact on your mental well-being. When we speak uplifting words to ourselves, it kicks off a feeling of joy and happiness. But it also kicks off your ability to see yourself in a more positive light. You’ll start to gain more confidence. And the more you hear these words, the better it makes you feel.

Such words as love, worthy, and inspiring can strengthen your belief in yourself. When most people think about confidence or motivation, they speak positive words to encourage them. Why? Because this form of wording pushes the mindset of wanting to feel better.

Now while you can’t be happy 24-7, although we wish we could, using positive statements are a self-builder. If you’re looking to gain confidence within yourself, encouraging yourself daily will help. You are now taking words from another angle to rework the way you envision yourself.

And this impacts your cognitive thinking the right way. You’ll start to peel back the layers and expose your true self by changing the way you see yourself.

15 Positive affirmations you can say to yourself every day

Sometimes it takes a little boost to get yourself through the day. And positive words can be just what you need. What’s so great about positive affirmations is that there’s no timeframe. You can say them first thing in the morning when you get up or during a bad time of the day.

Affirmations are built to make you feel good about yourself, encourage you, and create a positive image. If you have never used them before, now’s a great time to start.

Here are a few starting positive affirmations that you can try:

1. This morning is the start of something new and different.

2. Today will be a great day for me.

3. There is nothing that I can’t do because I’m worth it.

4. I feel refreshed, recharged, and ready to start the day.

5. I love myself even more than yesterday.

feelings positive
Photo by Leah Kelley

7. I am loved, adored, and admired for who I am.

8. The abilities that I have will take me far.

9. My troubles from yesterday will not define today.

10. Fear will not stand in my way today.11.

11. I am stronger than any obstacle that gets in my way.

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Photo by Pixabay

13. My failures are just stepping-stones toward my successes.

14. Today, I’ll give myself credit for my work.

15. Yesterday is the past, and I only live in the present.

You may try all of them daily or a few. The choice is definitely up to you. And as a challenge for yourself, try coming up with some of your own. I was tempted to say them all every day when I first started. However, I noticed that I needed to switch it up a bit.

And that’s okay. Remember that there’s no right or wrong way. Sometimes what matters is your comfort level. A few of these a day will start your journey of feeling better about yourself. So please don’t shy away from it. I promise you the outcome is worth it.


The right type of words can help transform how you may see yourself. You’re setting yourself up for great success by using positive affirmations daily. And who doesn’t want success in this crazy world? Now’s the time to start seeing yourself in a different light.

Do you find positive affirmations helpful to your daily life? Share your experiences in the comments below.

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Until next time, this is Tammy saying keep strong, keep positive. And NOTHING’s Impossible!!!


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