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Are you doing good with managing your mental health as a blogger? Blogging can be exciting. As a blogger, you get to write about something you know, a hobby, or have experience with. And one of the best parts about blogging is that you’re in charge of the content you create for your audience.

With that being said, blogging takes a LOT of work and time. As you kick off your journey into blogging, you’ll quickly learn that there’s more to it than writing a post every week. And before you know it, you may find yourself overwhelmed with how much you need to get done.

One thing that so many of us bloggers tend to overlook is our mental wellbeing. My first year of blogging was met with challenges. As exciting as it was, I would spend hours working on creating content on little sleep. And by my second year, I was starting to understand that all my frustration and stressful nights were making me feel depressed. I was still all over the place with running my blog.

Work comes first because you’re so wrapped up in growing as a blogger. And unfortunately, those who don’t have a routine for breaks may experience burnout at some point. This is why it’s essential to have a healthy balance of work and your mental well-being, even as a blogger.

8 helpful ways to manage your mental health for a blogger

mental blogger
Photo by Pixabay

Balancing your workload as a blogger and caring for your mental health will help you work more efficiently. When you’re in a healthier state of mind, you can focus more on things, including taking care of yourself.

Here are 8 helpful ways to manage your mental health:

1. Work on a blogging schedule

If there’s one thing that I’ve learned in my two years of blogging, things can become overwhelming. When first starting as a blogger, you may have a million ideas going through your mind and a desire to get it all done at once.

Whether you’re a new blogger or a seasoned one, having a schedule is a huge lifesaver. A schedule helps keep your tasks for the week and keep your stress levels down. I learned the hard way, but now I’ve managed to organize my blogging tasks for each week. You may want to start by setting aside a day or two to outline your tasks and content for the week.

My outline days are usually the weekend, so I’m ready for Monday. I spend those days mapping out what needs to be done for the week, but I also schedule personal tasks. Try doing a couple of test schedules to see what works best for you.

2. Practice self-care weekly for your mental health as a blogger

With all the work that comes with blogging, there may be little time focused on taking care of yourself. If you’re starting to feel overwhelmed, it’s time to focus on yourself. Self-care is a wonderful tool to have when it comes to blogging.

Start by making sure you take lunch and mini-breaks in your workday. Schedule days off to pamper yourself and take care of other non-stressful things. You can even use one of your mini-breaks for meditation or sit quietly with some calming music.

3. Schedule routine vacations and weekends off

For some, blogging is a full-time job, so why not treat it all like you would a 9 to 5. As much as you’d want to work and work, taking the weekend off benefits your mental well-being. Weekends are a great break from pouring your heart and soul into all you do as a blogger. It’s an excellent time to plan that brunch with your best friend or stay home with a good book or great movie.

Maybe you had your eyes set on a vacation away from home. A lovely weekend getaway to your favorite place or a week-long trip to a relaxing destination may be what you need. Anything that takes your mind off of the hustle of blogging is helpful to your mental health, and you give your mind the time it needs to rejuvenate by taking days off.

4. Outsource tasks to others

This has been such a struggle for me as a blogger. When you’re first starting, you may feel that you need to do everything yourself, and this is more of a feeling when your budget is zero. However, asking for assistance doesn’t always have to come with payment.

You can always ask friends or family for help with small tasks on your list. That way, you have time to focus on the bigger picture. Please don’t shy away from utilizing their talents to assist you with your workload. And it works in their favor as well because it gives them experience. By delegating your work to others, you’re now taking the added stress that could cause a mental breakdown off your hands.

5. Blog in different locations

location health bloggers
Photo by Keira Burton

Many bloggers may have a designated spot that they love to write from. This could be a living room, home office, or maybe your favorite coffee shop. But sometimes, working in the same place can bring down your mood when it comes repetitively. If you’re in a neighborhood with many spots to visit, try packing up your laptop and taking it on the go.

I tend to work from my bed. I know, a bad idea. But in Spring and Summer, I have a nice, quiet sitting area outside my building where I can blog from. I noticed that the warm weather and breeze contributed to my mental well-being. It brought my stress levels down, and I could get a lot more done than working in my bed every day.

Try picking a few locations for the week and testing them out. Get a sense of how you feel about the space, others around you, and if it’s somewhere you can see yourself coming back to. Changing scenery is a good boost for your mood, which can benefit your mental health.

6. Reward yourself with monthly gifts or treats

Here’s something I don’t think most of us bloggers think about, rewarding ourselves. With the heavy workload of being a blogger, you tend to go from one completed goal to another. And there may be little to no acknowledgment in between.

If you’re working and working without no incentive, you may be setting yourself up to resent blogging. No matter the size, take a few minutes to pat yourself on the back for each goal completed. Take in the moment that you’ve accomplished something and treat yourself. It could be your favorite snack, takeout food, or a walk to your favorite spot.

As a bonus, you can also keep track of your completed goals and buy yourself a gift at the end of the month. Here’s a little blogger challenge for you. Set aside an envelope or lockbox and put a certain amount of dollars. Add that amount to your box or envelope for each goal completed within the month. And at the end, collect the money to treat yourself to something deserving. You can also gather for a few months and treat yourself to something big.

7. Mix up your content

Creating evergreen content for blogging may be successful in building your blog. But sometimes, it pays to mix it up just a bit. With blogging challenges such as Blogmas and guest posting opportunities, they give you great options to make your blogging diverse. And if challenges aren’t your thing, try some fun and personal topics with a hint of your niche to mix it up.

Although my niche is mental health, I always find it a relief when I’ve done Blogmas or write about self-improvement.

8. Communicate with others

chat mental bloggers
Photo by William  Fortunato

Blogging can lead to great opportunities as an entrepreneur. Still, it can get lonely at times. While you may be swamped with building your presence as a blogger, there’s always room to chat. Because it’s not your typical job, you may be isolated from those around you. And that may lead to feeling depression at times.

Scheduling time to chat about life with others may help you clear up the stresses of blogging. Try taking a few minutes in your day to talk about the latest episode of your favorite show or your plans for the weekend with others. Give yourself that mental break from your blogging tasks to keep up with your connections with others in your life.


Blogging can be rewarding, but it can also be mentally draining when doing it all on your own. The steps you take towards balancing work and your mental well-being will benefit your longevity. And trust me, it’s all worth it.

What are some ways you manage your mental health as a blogger? Have any questions about one of the 8 ways above? Feel free to share in the comments down below.

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Until next time, this is Tammy saying keep strong, keep positive. And NOTHING’s Impossible!!!

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