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Is gym anxiety a real thing? If you ask those who have experienced it then they’ll tell you it is. The idea of going to the gym for some can be no big deal because their objective is to work out. However, for others, it could be the biggest challenge they’ve experienced.

We all know that living a healthier life is beneficial to our physical and mental health. A steady dose of exercise can give us endurance, and stamina and lower many health risks. It can also give us a boost in confidence, motivation, and encouragement to do more.

The gym, although expensive, is an effective way to keep yourself in shape. Some people have found like-minded people there, while others are able to find a nice, healthy routine to fit into their busy day.

But that first step or even the fifth step into a gym for someone with anxiety is not easy.

What is gym anxiety

fear gym
Photo by Annushka Ahuja

Gym anxiety is the anxiety a person feels while exercising for the first time in a gym or at the thought of going to one. This can also occur after going for the first time, causing a person to stop going altogether.

In a 2019 article by The New York Post, 31% of people admitted to feeling anxiety when thinking about getting in shape at the gym. That means that these people found that they were more comfortable working out at home or not at all.

Finding that confidence to see past your social anxiety or generalized anxiety may take some time to build. Just the idea of someone coming up to you for some small talk can trigger your anxiety. And if you’re not ready for that, you may find yourself as one of those never to return.

What can cause your anxiety at the gym

cause gym anxiety
Photo by Allan Mas

I can say for someone with anxiety, the gym can be an intimidating place. Walking through the doors for the first time and seeing so many working out and in shape can also be discouraging. And this can cause you to say, “Thanks but no thanks.”

When it comes to social anxiety there are many things that can trigger a person about going to the gym, such as:

  • The feeling of being in a large crowd
  • Using or changing in the locker room
  • Worried or feeling ashamed about your body image
  • Uncomfortable with gym wear
  • Feeling intimidated or having trouble using the equipment
  • Worried about others talking about you
  • Worried that others are staring

Many of the reasons why those with social anxiety may have difficulty going to the gym often live within the thoughts of their minds. They tend to think that the worse could happen which can lead to a lack of confidence to go.

For many years, I’ve had others tell me just go to the gym when I’ve said I wanted to get in shape. And I actually signed up twice, but never went back after the first day.

Once I saw how full both gyms got, I felt so intimidated, nervous, and embarrassed to be there. And it was mainly because of my social anxiety. The thoughts began to pile up about my own insecurities too.

8 ways to overcome your social anxiety at the gym

Our thoughts have a way of discouraging us from doing things that we could benefit from. Having anxiety doesn’t have to be the final decision for you if you truly want to make the gym a part of your life routine.

Here are some ways that you can use to overcome your anxiety about the gym.

1. Do your research on the local gyms

Before heading to a local gym, it may be best to research online some of your options. See what’s out there that will make you feel comfortable attending. Check out such things as to how the equipment works, the distance of the gym, how the locker rooms are, and more.

If they offer a tour of their facilities, sign up for it so that you can get a feel of the place and the people around it. This can help you find the best option for your anxiety.

 2. Have a gym partner

There’s nothing like having support when it comes to trying new things. This is a good way to overcome your anxiety at the gym because you’ll have help to ease your discomfort especially if it’s a friend or family member who is familiar with the gym.

cope anxiety
Photo by Julia Larson

They can help you build confidence in working out around a crowd of people and feel more comfortable using the equipment. And after some time, you may find yourself comfortable enough to go for a few days on your own.

3. Attend a beginner class at the gym

Maybe a single workout might not be the thing to start off with. Sometimes a beginner class could help ease your anxiety. These classes are made up of first-timers and some of them may have a similar feelings of anxiety.

Many gyms offer a variety of beginner classes that you can try. Also, finding a class that interests you can boost your excitement past the anxiety that you may be feeling. This could also lead to finding a new gym buddy after attending a few classes.

4. Go to the gym when it’s less crowded

Our worse enemy when it comes to social anxiety is being in a crowded area. If you struggle with crowds, a good option you can try is going to the gym in the off hours. Most people tend to go to the gym between 9 am – 5 pm. Try taking advantage of those off hours.

The evening hours can be a nice icebreaker. Many people tend to have plans or work late so being in the gym during those hours may not be an option for them. This makes for the perfect time to go because there’s fewer people around. The same could be said for early morning hours too.

And if this doesn’t work, try a smaller gym with fewer members. This can help to improve your anxiety about going.

5. Create a gym schedule within your comfort zone

Making your exercise routine at the gym can help lower your anxiety. By having a plan of what equipment, you want to use, you can drive your focus towards just that. This way you don’t have to worry about wandering around the gym looking for something to do which can cause you discomfort.

And keep it simple by focusing on one area you want to work on. There’s no need to cause yourself the added stress and trigger your anxiety further.

6. Bring calming music to the gym

gym music
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

The best companion to a good workout for someone with anxiety is music. So grab your earbuds, and phone and head to the gym. Bringing your favorite workout playlist gives you a way to escape the world around you. And it gives you that comfort level you need to focus on what you came there for….to work out.

So whether it’s loud rock, rap, or calming lo-fi music, use it as an aid towards keeping your anxiety low. And if it helps, you can put your music on before heading into the building. This way your comfort level has already started to build.

7. Do a pre-workout for your gym anxiety

You may need a pre-workout before the actual gym. A light walk or run could help boost your comfort level and motivate you. Use that time to ease your anxiety by thinking of anything but the gym.

By taking your worries off of it, and putting your focus on something else during your walk or run, you’ll begin to lower your anxiety. And this could make heading to the gym much easier.

8. Have a pep talk with yourself

Sometimes having a positive pep talk with yourself can help calm your nerves. Before heading to the gym, have an encouraging talk with yourself. Go over all the reasons for what’s causing your anxiety, then use some cognitive thinking to turn those reasons into positive motivation.

Make a list with two columns. On one side, list your anxious thoughts about going to the gym. Then in the other column list your positive thoughts about going to the gym. Once you’ve completed your list, place it by the front door. When you’re ready to go to the gym and have anxiety, go over that list.


Going to the gym when you have anxiety can bring on major discomfort. Whether it’s your first attempt or your tenth, finding the right comfort level for your anxiety can be a bit of a challenge. But once you find it, the gym becomes just another place.

And you’ll soon learn that all the anxiety you built up was for nothing. As a special reminder, I can say that most of the people in the gym will be focused more on getting a good workout. Once you build your confidence up about the gym then so will you. Hope this helps!

Do you have anxiety about going to the gym? Share your responses in the comments below.

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Until next time, this is Tammy saying keep strong, keep positive. And NOTHING’s Impossible!!!


    1. Thank you for reading my post, Jamie. And I’m glad these were helpful. You are so right about everyone has to start somewhere. I tell myself that every time and going to the gym is no different.

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